UK Universities Launch Internet of Things Research Hub
10 January 2016
A group of nine British universities have announced they are working together to launch an Internet of Things (IoT) research hub in the United Kingdom. The universities - UCL with Imperial College London, University of Oxford, University of Warwick, Lancaster University, University of Southampton, University of Surrey, University of Edinburgh and Cardiff University – will cooperate for a period of three years. Together the universities’ will investigate challenges related to IoT. These include areas like security, privacy, and ethics. They will drawn on 47 industry and public sector partners who are supporting the project.
The project has received £9.8 million in grant funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Based in Swindon, United Kingdom, EPSRC is a British Research Council that manages government funding for research in engineering and the physical sciences - including artificial intelligence and computer science.
“In the not too distant future almost all of our daily lives will be connected, in one way or another, to the digital world,” explained EPSRC's Chief Executive, Professor Philip Nelson on the organisation’s website. “Physical objects and devices will be able to interact with each other, ourselves, and the wider virtual world. But, before this can happen, there must be trust and confidence in how the Internet of Things works, its security and its resilience. By harnessing our world-leading research excellence this PETRAS research Hub will accelerate IoT technology innovation and bring benefit to society and business”.
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