
  ChalaHost is the favorite home of more than 500,000 websites. We are dedicated to providing everything for your online presence starting from domain name registration (s) and shared web hosting to e-commerce solutions, VPS hosting and SSL certificates. All services are provided by ChalaHost in association with Attractsfot BmbH with its headquarters in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

Contact Information:
Address: LambdaNet Co-Location in Kiel, Kiel [ˈkiːl], Kiel [ˈkiːl], Kiel, Gloucestershire 920 UK
Phone: 13472235853
Fax: 13472235853

Last Update: 17 June 2017


Web hosting services provided by ChalaHost

Shared Hosting

Price Range: £2.37-3.56
ChalaHost has a variety of services including but not limited to: Shared Web Hosting, Virtual Private Server Hosting, Domain Name Registrations, Domain Name Transfers and SSL Certificates (associated with the most trusted SSL providers in the world). Last but not least, ChalaHost is one of the pioneers in the industry of Free Web Hosting. We offer a free web hosting service with limited features as part of our courtesy policy and believe this makes our customer base bigger.
»Shared Hosting» VPS Hosting »Domain Names» SSL Certificates

VPS Hosting

Price Range: £11.9 - £47.6
VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. This unique and powerful technology by nature consists of partitioning a physical server into multiple Virtual Servers that have the look and capacity of a real dedicated server. This is made possible by XEN and its XEN hypervisor technology - a layer of software that sits between the server hardware and the OS. Each Virtual Server can operate under its own operating system (Windows, Linux, BSD, CentOS or Solaris), have its own custom configurations such as Firewall, kernel, etc. We offer our VPS with predefined Debian OS, which we recommend using with our Easy VPS Control Panel (the Panel as a hosting hosting).

Dedicated Hosting

Price Range: £11.89 - £27.36
Advance to the next level with Semi-Dedicated Hosting
More resources than Shared Hosting
But at a lower price than a dedicated VPS
Overview Semi Dedicated Beginner Semi Dedicated Pro Semi Dedicated Advanced

Free Hosting

Free shared hosting is the best. There are no hidden payments, no deposit or credit card required. Signing up for a web hosting account is quick and easy. Our registration process is brief. The best thing about our services is that a free web hosting account does not expire. You can use our services for a lifetime if you wish. For a long time, our free service retains a high level of service compared to other hosting companies. Our free service can easily compete with other free and paid web hosting services. Although we provide an excellent free web hosting platform, a client who wants to have a sophisticated website will prefer a paid web hosting plan, since it offers many more resources with a greater capacity than our free option.

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